
Business Areas

Plant Module

Entering the Onshore Plant Module Market.

Sejin Heavy Industries has prepared a foundation to start onshore plant module market as part of its business diversification effort since 2017. In early 2019, received an order for 14 modules from GS Engineering & Construction with a capacity of 7,000 tons for the expansion of Olefin production facility at GS Caltex's second plant, and successfully manufactured/delivered them in March 2020.

Module construction is typically applied for Pre-assisted Rack (PAR), Pre-assisted Utility (PAU), and Pre-assisted Building (PAB). There are many advantages such as shortening the lead time, reducing production costs, and preventing conflicts within construction sites.

Based on the above benefits, modularization of onshore plant projects in Korea and abroad are expanding. Therefore, our primary focus will be on the Onshore plant module sector to ensure differentiated quality and price competitiveness that can generate continuous profits.


제품카다로그 담당자 안내




Business Highlights

First Product DeliveryProduction CapabilitySupply Track RecordDomestic Market Share

Note) Market share was calculated based on the number of units built by ship type (2014 Shipbuilding Yearbook, Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association)

Production Performance




Business Contacts이미지

Department Position Name Tel e-mail
shipbuilding Business Part - - +82 52 231 8454 sejinsales@sejinheavy.com
Overseas Business Part - - +82 2 551 8412 adminopb@sejinheavy.com
Wind Business Part - - +82 2 551 8412 wp@sejinheavy.com
IR Part - - +82 2 551 8412 IR@sejinheavy.com



구분 직함 이름 전화번호 이메일
선실생산부 생산팀 이태민 010-3774-5482 wehs@sejinheavy.com
선실생산부 생산팀 이태민 010-3774-5482 wehs@sejinheavy.com
